mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
2cams-list Corpus Christi American Meteorological Society
Academicadvising-list Internal communication regarding academic advising and registration for Academic Advisors, Academic Success Coaches, Academic Athletics, Academic Testing, and select campus partners.
Advising-coaching-list Internal Communication for Academic Advising & Coaching
All-vendors [no description available]
Anchorcamp [no description available]
Atsc-list Atmospheric Science Program Listserv.
Awgcc Women in Geoscience Chapter
Baasstudents-list [no description available]
Belllibrary-list All Mary & Jeff Bell Library Regular Full-Time Personnel
Business-services [no description available]
Casu [no description available]
Cbbic.clients Keeps current clients informed of what's going on around the Innovation Center
Cbbic.residents Keeps current resident clients informed of what’s going on around the Innovation Center. Members will be primarily informed about building information.
Cbbic.students Keeps student workers informed of what’s going on around the Innovation Center.
CBI-Field Conrad Blucher Institute Field Communications
cbi-info Public list for obtaining information from CBI
CBI-IT Conrad Blucher Institute - IT List
cbsciencefair Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair
Chem-adjunct-list Chemistry Adjunct listserve
Chem-faculty-list Chemistry Faculty List Serve
Chem-grad [no description available]
Chem-gradfac [no description available]
Chem-staff-list Chemistry staff listserve
Chem-ta-list Chem TA list includes adjuncts teaching labs
Cmgl-list Coastal and Marine Geospatial Lab Staff and Students
cmss-list The CMSS list allows students, faculty and staff to communicate and discuss CMSS items
COECS-Grad [no description available]
COECS-List [no description available]
COECS-Undergrad [no description available]
COEN-LIST [no description available]
CONHS Faculty/Staff Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-All-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-BSN-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-BSN-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-CLS-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-CLS-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-DNP-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-DNP-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-ELI-EMI-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-F2F-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-Faculty Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-Graduate-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-HLSC-HCAM-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-HLSC-HCAM-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-HS Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-HS-Adjunct Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-MSN-Alumni Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-MSN-NDCT-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-NE Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-NE-Adjunct Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-NP Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-NP-Adjunct Faculty Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Conhs-ph-students [no description available]
CONHS-Pre-Nursing-Students Student Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
CONHS-Staff Staff Listserv: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Cos-faculty [no description available]
COS-Grad [no description available]
COS-LIST [no description available]
COS-Undergrad [no description available]
Cosc Computer Science Faculty and Staff
Cosc-faculty Computer Science Faculty
cosc-grad-students-list Computer Science Graduate Student Listserve
cosc-grad-studies-list [no description available]
Cosc-staff Computer Science Staff
CPIRA-Council CPIRA_Council Members
CPIRA-EC CPIRA_Executive Committee
Cs-phd-faculty [no description available]
Cs-phd-student [no description available]
Csci Computing Sciences Faculty and Staff
Csci-faculty Computing Sciences Faculty
Csci-staff Computing Sciences Staff
csclub TAMUCC Computer Science Club listserv
csgrads [no description available]
DeanOfStudentsStudents Dean of Students Office Student Employees
DINS-list Listserv for DINS (Department of Interdisciplinary Studies) faculty
Engr Engineering Faculty and Staff
Engr-faculty Engineering Faculty
Engr-grad [no description available]
Engr-grad-students-list [no description available]
Engr-postdoc [no description available]
Engr-staff Engineering Staff
Engr-students [no description available]
escifac-list ESCI faculty listserv
escistu-list ESCI Student Listserv
FYP First-Year Learning Communities Program (FYLCP) @ TAMUCC & Friends of FYLCP
FYSI-list First-Year Seminar Instructors
fywp-list First-Year Writing Program List
Garciacentercounseling-list [no description available]
GarciaCenterTutors-list [no description available]
geoclub TAMUCC Geology Club listserv
geolstu-list GEOL student announcements
Gisc Geographic Information Science Faculty and Staff
Gisc-faculty Geographic Information Science Faculty
Gisc-staff Geographic Information Science Staff
gisso-list GISSO Email List
gradmath-list math graduate mailing list
Greekpresidents Current FSL Presidents
Griidc-dev [no description available]
Honorsassn Honors Prorgam Official Communications
HPC High Performance Computing Initiative
HRI Harte Research Institute - Internal
hri-biweekly HRI Bi-Weekly Payroll
Hriresearchers Harte Research Institute Researchers Mailing List
Hristaff-list Harte Research Institute Staff Mailing List
Hristudents Harte Research Institute Student Mailing List
I-cat The group caring for the TAMUCC cat colonies. Spay and neuter and feeding.
Kinesiology-students [no description available]
Lc-list Mailing list for LC updates!
Libraryadmin-list Library Business/Administration Operations Personnel
Libraryfaculty-list Library Faculty / Librarians
Libraryleadership-list Library Leadership Team
Libsescommittee Student Employee Supervisor (SES) Committee (Bell Library Employees Only)
Lsci-faculty LSCI Faculty
Lsci-opportunities [no description available]
MANTIS-list [no description available]
Marine-biology [no description available]
Math-grad [no description available]
MEbytheSEa Communication about the ME by the SEa conference for STEM educators
Msgso Student organization for science/engineering graduate students - feel free to join if this describes you!
NRC-Tenant List to Communicate with Tenants of the NRC Building.
OSRA-list Office of Sponsored Research Administration
oss.mindfulresilience Somatic Resilience Practices for TAMU-CC Employees
Pedhosplib Driscoll Children's Hospital Library Mailing List
pens-list Email List for the Physical & Environmental Sciences (PENS) Department
phdfac-list CMSS PhD faculty listserv
Prehealth-list For Biomedical Sciences and Pre-professional Students
ResearchNews Research News from the Council of Principal Investigators and Research Administrators (CPIRA)
Sastudents Student Activities Student Employees
Sigma-active [no description available]
Sigma-Inducted [no description available]
Sigma-local [no description available]
StudentLife University Center & Student Activities Full-Time Staff
Studentsuccess-list Internal Communication for the Office of Student Success
Svc [no description available]
Tamuccdesign [no description available]
TeamTarpy For Library employees involved with events on a regular basis.
Tesol_cert [no description available]
Tidal-hall [no description available]
TOAC [no description available]
UCSAft University Center & Student Activities Full-Time Staff
Ucstudents-list University Center Student Employees
ugradmath-list math undergrad mailing list
VPRandI Division of Research and Innovation

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